NÕO LIHAVÜRST – MultiVac pack design

The packaging of Nõo sliced meats has been redesigned, and evolved over several phases since first designed by Emajõe Disain in 1999 – design updates normally coincide with improvements of packaging technology at the meat factory. Packaging materials and printing technology have also advanced over the years.

The new product development team at Nõo Lihavürst are by now very knowledgeable of the limitations and opportunities of combined printing/packaging technologies. Each time when there is a new leap in packaging machinery it opens up new possible products and packaging solutions – at these times there is particularly close cooperation between packaging, printing, design and marketing teams so as to push the possibilities to the maximum.

For the sliced meats, a method of vacuum skin packaging is used. The label for each of these packs features the signature branding photo of the Meat Prince at a banquet table. The design solution treats the visible colour and texture of the meat as part of the overall pack design. Each of the meats looks different an so are used as part of the visual differentiation of similar products on the supermarket shelf.

Packaging is such an important aspect of the retail meat market, that I have sometimes said half in jest that it is like a meat packaging company with a production facility.